Jordan Dupont

  • So it’s the 4th of July – and I’m doing what I’m supposed to … reading about things that make people question my sanity.  Stopping to think about a few things, I made some notes about the changes I’ve experience […]

  • Oh my god the sky is falling. Tax cuts have passed both the house and the senate. People are getting a tax break — and judging by the response of the media you would think the world is ending.  Give me a break. Le […]

  • I’m in the middle of exploring a few new topics, but a few people reached out to me and asked what I think about this #TakeAKnee controversy.  So here it is.
    Workplace protests are common, players have a ri […]

  • I have made a conscious choice to stop chasing the small and somewhat petty news of the day so that I can more deeply explore issues.  This requires a lot of excavation — and I’ve been looking pretty hard at net […]

  • So it looks like once a month is the maximum I’m able to post recently — and with this political culture we have today, that just won’t do. Hopefully I’ll get back to once a week. Let’s jump right in and talk abou […]

  • James Comey was recently fired by President Trump in a rather odd way and this, like every other Trump piece of writing, sent theories flying around. Now we can look at the real stuff.
    Trump’s firing of James C […]

  • As I knew I would be — I’ve been fervently working on some projects outside of this site. I’ll get back to this with much more frequency in the next 2 weeks or less.  In the mean time, there are a few recent […]

  • Recently I’ve had a few people ask me to write a little bit telling you how I think … which I thought odd considering how much I write for this site.  I realized they want a better idea of my worldview and how […]

  • A few notes on some of the procedure of the house and senate and how it is affecting our political landscape today.
    As a quick review – the legislature is broken up into two houses – House of Representatives and […]

  •    I’ve been quite busy with my jobs that actually make money, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been paying attention. Quite the contrary. Let’s get this monster blog going.

    Health Insurance Debacle […]

  • I apologize for the lack of posts recently — I have been a bit under the weather.  However, this pranking of Shia Labeouf got me feeling a little bit better. Please see this link to the daily w […]

  • So if any of you have been living under a rock – yesterday, Trump tweeted multiple times about how Barack Obama is “bad (or sick)” for tapping his phones in Trump Tower during the campaign last year. Where do we […]

  • Happy Mardi Gras to everyone! Let’s celebrate with a quick review and commentary on Trump’s speech to a joint session of congress tonight.
    watch entire speech
    Trump walks in to the normal applause that lasts an […]

  • We are a little over one month into Trump’s presidency and we have some interesting numbers to look at. His Presidential Approval ratings are all over the map depending on which polling organization you co […]

  • There are times when you have to step back and separate yourself from all of the confusion that happens everyday and really ask yourself what YOU think about what is going on.  Not opinion by comparison to what […]

  • Houston – we have a problem.  National Security Advisor Michael Flynn has just resigned his position amidst claims that he had unauthorized contact with Russian diplomats prior to the Trump administration taking […]

  • Jordan Dupont wrote a new post 8 years ago

    What the hell are we doing on college campuses these days?


    I’m sure you’ve heard of the recent protest at UC Berkeley.  You haven’t? Well – thousands of Leftists lost their minds, rioted, injured se […]

  • Jordan Dupont wrote a new post 8 years ago

    Today Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch for the open position on the United States Supreme Court. There hasn’t been too much of an outcry (yet) as it was generally expected. After all, Trump put out his list of p […]

  • Jordan Dupont wrote a new post 8 years ago

    There have been a few technical problems with the site that I’ve had to work out. Those should be taken care of before the end of the week – I feel like I have missed so many things to talk about. Let’s start with […]

  • Here we can discuss the new administration’s stances on anything that you would like

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