Category: Politics

Tax Cuts: Will They Help?

Oh my god the sky is falling. Tax cuts have passed both the house and the senate. People are getting a tax break — and judging by the response of the media you would think the world is… Read More

Credit: Wisegeek


I’m in the middle of exploring a few new topics, but a few people reached out to me and asked what I think about this #TakeAKnee controversy.  So here it is.

Credit: Class-Central

Healthcare’s Vital Signs

So it looks like once a month is the maximum I’m able to post recently — and with this political culture we have today, that just won’t do. Hopefully I’ll get back to once a week. Let’s jump… Read More

Credit: NBC News

Comey Testimony: Takeaways

James Comey was recently fired by President Trump in a rather odd way and this, like every other Trump piece of writing, sent theories flying around. Now we can look at the real stuff.

Remember what we discussed?

As I knew I would be — I’ve been fervently working on some projects outside of this site. I’ll get back to this with much more frequency in the next 2 weeks or less.  In the mean time,… Read More

My Worldview in Today’s World

Recently I’ve had a few people ask me to write a little bit telling you how I think … which I thought odd considering how much I write for this site.  I realized they want a better idea… Read More

Monster Blog: Let’s Catch Up

   I’ve been quite busy with my jobs that actually make money, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been paying attention. Quite the contrary. Let’s get this monster blog going.


Trump Tower Wiretapping Tweets

So if any of you have been living under a rock – yesterday, Trump tweeted multiple times about how Barack Obama is “bad (or sick)” for tapping his phones in Trump Tower during the campaign last year. Where… Read More

Trump’s Joint Session Speech Rundown

Happy Mardi Gras to everyone! Let’s celebrate with a quick review and commentary on Trump’s speech to a joint session of congress tonight.

Credit: AP

President Trump’s Ratings

We are a little over one month into Trump’s presidency and we have some interesting numbers to look at. His Presidential Approval ratings are all over the map depending on which polling organization you consult.  Are you surprised? I’m… Read More

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